
We give you an extra edge on your WordPress website by making it's design and content customized as per your 'brand'. We have a competent staff ensuring transparent communication and best results. Have an idea? Let's talk.

We didn’t invent it, but we’ve mastered it. We help you create a custom website according to your needs and requirements that skyrocket engagement. Wordpress offers several website templates and resources that can boost your business without costing a  fortune. With wordpress, we help you build a user friendly website that is SEO optimized and pumps up your business image in the global market.

What We Do ?

Woocommerce is Wordpress plugin for adding functionality to the online commercial stores. We help you design and set up an engaging website with configuration of functionalities like product catalog update, customer service, buying and shipping charges, multiple payment gateways as well as integration with analytics to check the performance of the store.
  • Customized online store as per your requirement and the traffic 
  • Plugins to integrate it with social media 
  • Product catalogue upload, analytics
  • SEO optimized website
  • Engage customers, drive conversion
Develop and Design

A good design is terribly important for charting a meaningful journey that provides value. We help visualize and create designs that look good on various different devices using elegant layouts. We ensure it’s smooth usage through a phone, laptop, tablet and other devices that you prefer. Setting pages and interfaces can be coded and tailored as required. 

  • Enterprise wordpress development 
  • Creative and Strategy Planning
  • Automated Deployment and Testing
  • Integration with analytics and social media
  • Custom WordPress web development
Security and troubleshoot

We encrypt and safeguard the data on your website with the installation of SSL certificate. Your database is further secured from any SQL injection attacks to ensure smooth functioning. The website is regularly monitored and protected from all potential bugs. We will be available for immediate action to troubleshoot any unexpected bug. 

  • Instant support, reliable fixes
  • Website maintenance
  • Malware protection
  • Secure hosting 
  • Security updates
Plugin development and customization

Plugins are PHP scripts that allow you to make changes to the website and increase its functionality. They perform the most basic and the complex tasks on your website, making it more efficient, decreasing your workload and saving you money. We custom code plugins as per your requirement, giving you an edge over your competitors. 

  • Custom plugin development 
  • Plugin customization and integration
  • Plugin upgradation
  • Plugin configuration
  • Plugin maintenance 
Performance and maintenance

The speed with which your website loads affect’s user experience as well as it’s ranking on the search engine. Without unnecessary plugins we help you increase the website's performance and speed. With several techniques like reducing http requests, removing unscripted files and optimizing different elements, we help you maintain a functional website with amazingly fast experience.

  • Server Performance
  • Database Optimisation
  • Page Speed Optimisation
  • Page Speed Audit
  • Core CMS Optimisation
Theme development and customization

Wordpress offers plenty of customizable themes for you to craft your vision digitally. If you do not find a theme that satisfies you, we can create one for you. It is not necessary to code it from scratch, choose a skeleton and we’ll develop it uniquely as per your requirements. Our world class services are available for your benefit. 

  • Responsive wordpress theme development 
  • Optimized mobile and tab layouts 
  • Easy to manage content management system
  • WP migration and maintenance 
  • API integration and module management

There are currently over 30% websites made with WordPress, which is more than 75 million of them! Research also shows that over 500 new websites are created daily over the platform. Get yours today !


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We like growing and we'd love for you to grow with us. Let's have a conversation about how.
