Email Marketing

Emails may sound old school, but they have an ability many channels don't: Creating valuable, personal touches – at scale.

In this 21st century, around 4 billion people have an email id. An average person checks their email 15 times a day! Even the people who are too busy to check any social media account, would ensure to check their email at least once in the day. Emails are one of the powerful tools to reach a wide variety of audience.

Emails can be commercially crafted to incide a certain action or to simply offer a token of appreciation. We employ a range of tactics to make successful email marketing campaigns that are directed at a specific audience with proper analysis of metrics to generate more engagement.

How does Email Marketing help?

Strengthen your bond with the existing customers

Sending periodic, consistent emails to your audience enhances your brand’s relationship with them and incites loyalty. Emails give you a chance to show your enthusiasm, interest and proactiveness.

Build brand awareness and appeal

The way your emails about your blogs, industry updates or promotions are drafted and sent reflect your brand’s profile and builds its appeal.

Create personalized messages for the audience

Unlike various other channels, emails can be customized for people sharing certain characteristics, preferences or it can also be tailored with a token of personalization specific for each recipient.

Generate more website traffic

Email, being transactional by nature incites people to do something about it - reply, forward, clickthrough, browse around your website or even straight up buying !

How shall we do this?

Email Campaign Planning

An email marketing campaign involves having to manage and segment your subscriber list, oversee the design, content and development of the email, schedule it’s delivery timings, A/b testing and analyzing the results for determining further actions. To keep focused, it is necessary to make a felicitous plan. We take into consideration your goals, resources, audience to plan a relevant strategy that helps you and your customers grow.

Email List Growth

Having a periodically updated, qualitative database of emails is the most important part of an email strategy. The emails which grab their attention or talk about their preference have a higher chance of being acted upon. We create specific segmented lists of customers based on their preference or other metrics to generate higher engagement. These lists allow you to personalize an email and keep your customers engaged.

Email Marketing Automation

Automating emails is effortless and keeps your customers engaged. It allows you to send timely, relevant messages that converts prospects to customers. Emails can be scheduled for when customers sign up, add something in the cart, when they check out or on their birthdays. We help you determine the right tools and schedule for automating your emails, generate and work according to the metrics.

Email Newsletter Templates

Emails have no restrictions for length or type of content. According to your requirements, we can put in flyers, info graphics or discount quotes that grab attention. For this to happen, it is necessary for the emails to be aesthetically appealing and easily navigable for the user to scroll through quickly and yet gain all the required information. We create responsive design templates that stand out from the flood of your inbox emails.

We love what we do and we ensure that our work is impactful. Have a word with us, we’ll tell you how.

Tell us about your project

Let us help you get your business online and grow it with passion

Emailing is a common part of business and it's necessary that you do it just right!. Write us an email and we shall respond by growing profitable email lists for you.
