Category Archives: Uncategorized

Current and Upcoming Amazon Ad Update (1)

Current and Upcoming Amazon Ad Updates, Did Amazon Deliver What it Promised?

This article is written by keeping Amazon Sellers and Advertisers in mind to keep them thorough with ongoing changes on Amazon Advertising platform. …
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4 Platforms to advertise apart from the Mainstream Platforms (1)

4 Platforms to advertise apart from the Mainstream Platforms

As an entrepreneur, you desire to expand your reach, increase your engagement, and boost your revenue. All of these can only be done…
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Warm regards to the warm prospects (1)

Warm regards to the warm prospects

Cold calling seems to be on the verge of extinction these days. For a person involved with sales, the most frustrating task is…
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4 Lessons regarding automated bidding we learned during the pandemic

Many of us end up spending a lot of money on our Google Ads Campaigns and end up getting nothing in return.How to…
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How to deal with Amazon returns?

What can be the most frustrating thing for a seller on Amazon? Yes, it’s the return request. Amazon keeps the customers at its…
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4 Google Analytical Hacks To Improve Your ROI

Are you spending too much on your ads? Or have you made a lower profit from your ads? We definitely know to get…
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What’s next for Amazon?

When Amazon’s first-quarter earnings were announced in late April, the circumstances were such that the shares of the world’s largest online retailer -…
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How to sell private label products on Amazon?

Do you want to increase your online revenues and grow your business? Why don’t you consider selling private label products on Amazon? You…
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5 Ways to recover from Google algorithm updates

Google undergoes 3200 algorithm changes in a time span of 1 year! Yes, you read it right. The SEO process regularly reacts to…
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Missing Sales Summary Dashboard on Amazon? Here is what you can do

Have you woke up to suddenly find that your Amazon Sales Summary dashboard has gone missing?? Or have you recently had some minor…
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