SEO for eCommerce Websites: A Beginner’s Guide

  • May 17, 2024
SEO for eCommerce Websites (1)

Imagine that you’ve put together a great online store with great goods, but no one can seem to find it. If you want your online business to do well, SEO for eCommerce websites could be the key. 

This guide for beginners will teach you everything you need to know to start SEO for e-commerce websites.

What is eCommerce SEO?

eCommerce SEO is like putting a bullhorn in front of your online store to get more people to buy from you. You can make your store show up higher in search results if you know what people are looking for online. It means that your website should use relevant words and sentences so that search engines can easily figure out what you sell. People will be able to find you online more easily if your SEO is good. It can help your business make more sales.

How to Do SEO for eCommerce Websites

1. Keyword Research

The first thing you need to do for on page SEO for eCommerce websites is to know what your customers are looking for. Keyword study is the name for this.

  • Get help from tools. Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, and Ahrefs are some examples of tools that can help you find popular keywords that are related to your goods.
  • Think Like a Customer: Think about the words your buyers might use to find the things you sell. If you make your own candles, some buzzwords you could use are “custom candles,” “soy candles,” and “scented candles.”
  • Long-Tail Keywords: These are phrases that are longer and more detailed. Perhaps not as many people visit them, but because they fit specific search intents, they often convert better. This could be an example: “natural soy candles with lavender scent.”

2. Optimize Product Pages

Each product page on your website should be optimized for SEO.

  • Title tags and meta descriptions: It is very important for SEO. The important keyword should be in your title tag, and it should be short. There should be keywords in the meta description, along with a short summary of the goods.
  • High-Quality Images: Use images that are clear and of high quality, and make sure they work best by giving them descriptive filenames and alt text. Alt text makes images easier to find and helps search engines figure out what they are about.
  • Product Descriptions: For each offering, write a unique, in-depth description. Don’t copy manufacturer descriptions, because having too much of the same information can hurt your SEO. Use important keywords in a way that doesn’t look forced.

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3. Improve Site Structure

Not only does a well-organized website make it easier for people to find what they need, but it also makes it easier for search engines to crawl and analyze your site.

  • Subcategories and Categories: Sort your goods into clear subcategories and categories. Let’s say you sell clothes. You could have subcategories for things like shirts, pants, and dresses, as well as main sections like “Men’s Clothing,” “Women’s Clothing,” and “Children’s Clothing.”
  • URL Structure: Keep URLs simple and descriptive. A URL like “” is better than “”
  • Internal linking: Connect goods and categories on your site that are related. This helps people find more goods and helps search engines figure out how your site is put together.

4. Mobile Optimization

This year, more people than ever are shopping on their phones. Making sure your website works well on mobile devices is important for both SEO and the user experience.

  • Responsive design: It means that your website should change itself to fit any device’s screen. This makes it easy for people to look around and buy things.
  • Fast Load Times: People who use mobile devices expect pages to load quickly. To make things faster, make sure pictures are optimized, use a fast web host, and don’t use too many heavy scripts.
  • Easy to Use: Make sure that on a small screen, options and buttons are simple to tap. Keep the checkout process as simple as possible, and don’t add too much stuff.

5. Content Marketing

Adding useful information to your website can bring more people to it and help your SEO. 

  • Blogging: Write a blog about your goods. If you sell fitness gear, for example, you could write about healthy meals, workout tips, or exercise plans. Add keywords easily to your writing.
  • Tutorials and tips: Write in-depth tutorials or tips on how to do things. These can help you become an authority in your field and bring in people who are looking for information.
  • Testimonials and reviews from buyers: Ask your customers to leave reviews. Having user-generated content on your site not only makes it more useful, but it also helps with SEO by making it more unique.

6. Technical SEO

The technical parts of SEO can be hard to understand, but they are necessary to make sure your website works well and is search engine friendly. 

  • XML Sitemap: Make an XML sitemap and send it to search engines. This helps them picture how your site is put together and find all of your pages.
  • File Robots.txt: This file tells search engines which pages they can read and which ones they can’t. Check that it’s set up right so that it doesn’t block important pages.
  • SSL Certificate: Safety is very important. Make sure that your website has an HTTPS (SSL) certificate. This is good for your business because it keeps your customers’ information safe and also helps Google rank your site.

7. Build Backlinks

Backlinks, or links from other websites to yours, are a big part of SEO rankings, especially when considering off-page SEO for eCommerce websites.

  • Quality over Quantity: Get links from trustworthy sites instead of a lot of low-quality ones.
  • Guest posting: It means writing articles for other websites in the same field as yours and putting a link to your own site in them.
  • Influencer Outreach: Influencers can write about your goods and link back to your site if they do.


SEO for e-commerce websites is a great way for e-commerce sites to get free traffic, increase sales, and establish a strong online profile. If you follow these easy steps, you can start to optimize your website and see your online store grow. Don’t forget that SEO is a race, not a sprint. You’ll see results over time if you’re patient, keep making useful content, and focus on giving users a great experience.


How does content marketing benefit eCommerce SEO?

Content marketing uses useful content to attract and keep potential customers. Increased relevance and authority for your website through blogging, videos, and user-generated content will result in an increase in organic traffic.

What are some common SEO mistakes to avoid for eCommerce websites?

Some mistakes that people often make are not optimizing their sites for mobile devices, not fixing technical SEO problems, using duplicate content, and not doing regular site audits. By not making these mistakes, you can maintain and improve your site’s search engine results.

How can social media impact eCommerce SEO?

Social media can bring more people to your website and make more people aware of your brand. Backlinks and social signs can help your SEO efforts if you post interesting content on social networks.

What are canonical tags, and how do they help in eCommerce SEO?

Canonical tags show which version of a page is preferred, which helps avoid duplicate content problems. It keeps search engines from punishing your site for having content that is the same on different URLs.

How can influencer marketing boost my eCommerce SEO?

Influencers can create real content that gets shared widely, which can lead to backlinks and more people visiting your site. It makes your site more trustworthy and raises its ranking in search engines.

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