Bad Review on Amazon? Here is what you can do

  • October 24, 2020
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We are well aware of the impact that a bad review can create on your brand’s reputation. No brand can escape from negative reviews if the customer has experienced dissatisfaction. Reviews and brand identity go hand-in-hand with each other.

The best way to get to know a brand for online shopping is through customer rates and reviews. And when it comes to Amazon, becoming a successful seller is only possible if you have a good reputation with the customers. 

As we all know a bad review will directly affect your seller ratings, forget about winning the buy box. You definitely do not wish to have a declining rate of consumer’s trust with your brand, do you?

91% OF 18-34-year-old consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations

And to maintain a good relationship with the consumers you definitely do not have to do this

But no business can ever have an entire all-positive reviews section! You will have negative reviews for your business. The focus should be on how to deal with negative reviews and save yourselves from the doom’s day! 

We are here with some quick tips for you to follow when you get a negative review. But first of all, let us have a look at the reasons for a customer to leave a negative review.


  • Poor Quality of the product.
  • Failing to meet the customer’s expectations.
  • Customers want you to hear them.
  • Delayed delivery of the product.
  • Customers want to help other customers.


Respond to the negative review on Amazon

This should be the most basic step while looking for ways to deal with a bad review. It can even be a chance to bounce off the doubts and leave a good impression on the audience.

Remember that the customer is always right, even if you don’t feel so. Make sure you are starting the response with an apology. Why? Look at what customers expect:

Address the Issue

It is better to ask the customer to connect with you via e-mail rather than publicly addressing the issue. Learn about the issue and what caused the issue. Try to fix the issue in a subtle manner. 

Mind you Amazon whirls around the relationship you have with the customers. 

You can use Amazon’s buyer-seller messaging service or go for an e-mail strategy if you don’t want to lose the customers. Try some strategies that can actually bring the trust of your customers. 

Say a customer was disappointed because of the size issue of the tee they bought from your brand, you can send another tee of the right size without even charging for it.  

By directly reaching to the customer and fixing it, you will leave a good impression and adhere to your values of being committed to the customers. 

Avoid repeating the reply

You don’t want to look unprofessional while addressing the problems of the audience, do you? We come across many such brands who either have not responded to such negative reviews or have used the same reply for every query.

You have to be specific. Addressing and answering the doubts will make you a customer-focused brand. Make sure that your replies have a customer-oriented tone and do not intend to belittle the issue of the customer. 

Observe the requirements

Whatever the customers say about your product through negative comments/reviews show you what you need to change about your product. If you look at this as an opportunity to mould your products according to needs, you will flare up high!

Say, you are selling a wooden table on Amazon and there have been comments saying that the edges of the table are too sharp. You can consider this complaint and make sure that you opt for round edges for your table.

If you start taking your comments into consideration you will have a positive impact on the customers because your brand will come up as a customer-centric brand. 

Get rid of the fake reviews

Having a fake review on your review section is not something uncommon. Although only 1% of the reviews are fake but yet you need to make sure that you take into consideration just the right ones. 

If the review has irrelevant content, promotional material, one-word review or web links it should a warning sign for you. All of these are signs of a fake review.

Amazon does not approve such reviews and would give you a helping hand if you report such reviews. So, make a habit of constantly monitoring your reviews.


These are the recommendations we suggest you follow if you get a negative review for your product. You can always mend your mistakes and choose to re-connect with your audiences and take steps to rebuild their trust!

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