4 Google Analytical Hacks To Improve Your ROI
- August 8, 2020

Are you spending too much on your ads? Or have you made a lower profit from your ads? We definitely know to get higher revenues at a lower cost, you need to maintain a good rate of Interest. But how to do so?
The average conversion rate on Adwords is less than 3% for text ads.
That is why you end up spending more. Thus, it becomes difficult to get a decent ROI.
An increase by 10.7% has been observed for ad spends for the year 2020. It has become more difficult to reduce the cost of your ad spends. The only way to save yourself from drowning is through optimizing your Adwords ROI.
If you have already engaged yourself in research for Google Ad Hacks, you might have skipped a few hacks or might have overlooked them. Do not worry. 1into2 will share with you some tricks that will boost your ROI.
Check your conversion tracking
First of all check whether your Google account is tracking the right conversions or not. There is no point in making any efforts if your account keeps a wrong track of conversion. Only 58% accounts have a conversion tracking set up of which only 50.1% are tracking anything that is meaningful.
With the above data, it becomes important to share this trick aloud! You HAVE to set your tracking setup correctly. You do not have to be liberal here. B2B marketers with a long sales cycle find it difficult to have a track of conversion up to the ultimate end of the sale’s funnel. Hence this process becomes tedious. But do not run away from this process. Get your account fixed with a conversion tracking setup and you will start to have an improvised ROI.
Re-evaluate your Targeted ad groups
Always keep a habit of re-evaluating your ad groups after a certain time period. There are keywords that have low quality scores. Try moving them and have a watch over these keywords. These keywords might perform well in other ad groups. If you are even using broad matches, Find out the phrases that are actually working in favour of your campaign. You can even try adding more and more negative keywords to your campaign. Remember, you want to save yourself from indulging into more expenses. Negative keywords make a massive difference in profitability (Tried and tested).
Reduce spending money on keywords that don’t convert. You might have spent thousands of dollars and could have never generated any conversion. If your ad relevance is below average you can have a research on your keywords again. Why let your spendings go in vain?
Check the Display Network
Go to Display Networks > Placements and then sort it by clicks. This will be helpful in knowing the top 10 sites upon which your ads are being displayed. Sometimes you will be surprised to find out what’s in this list. It can also be a part of click fraud. And hence the conversions that you are getting can even be fraudulent. How to fix this? Start with your own Display placement list! Add these to your campaign and see how the conversions convert into sales. You will realise that you have been spending too much money on display networks without getting anything in return. You just need to be careful and a wise management of display networks can bring you good sales.
Try Google’s re-targeting
You can even try this! This is basically showing your ads to people who have visited your website or have somehow landed upon some specific pages of your website. You can even choose to display your ads to only those who have entered your keywords in their search engine. This will not only display your ads to the right audience but even save you from spending yourself to the wrong audience. Usually people do not buy from a company that they are visiting online for the first time. Familiarity is the key! And to make such an audience familiar with you is your task. Once these audiences become familiar your target rates will improve. And that’s it. Therefore using a Remarketing List for Search Ads is an option you must try!!
These are some tricks that you should definitely try if you want to improve your ROI. These tricks are definitely effective! Try these tricks and lets us know the results!!